Be Water Smart!

Water is our highest ongoing expense at Vermont Villas. Escondido water rates have risen over 40%  in the past four years. All water at Vermont Villas is paid for by the Association via each owner's monthly HOA fees. Conservation benefits all owners and residents by keeping our HOA fees and rents in check, as well as being good for the environment. Please conserve water and report any broken irrigation popes or sprinklers to Elite Management at 858-485-0881.

The original toilets are still in use at some Vermont Villas condos. These are very inefficient toilets that use 3.5 gallons per flush.  If your condo has one or more of these water-wasters, you are highly encouraged to replace it. Today's technology has improved such that high-efficiency toilets using as little as 1 gallon per flush are very effective and affordable. 

Current rebates from the SoCal Metropolitan Water District and SDG&E:


Please use the recycling containers located behind our dumpsters. You can recycle most of your paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, cans and cartons. Click here for Recycling Guidelines

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    EDI Organics Handout.pdf EDI Organics Handout.pdf
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    Do Not
    • Leave large items such as furniture, TV's or mattresses in or near the dumpsters
      • It is your responsibility to dispose of large items properly

    Goodwill, across the street in the Major Market/Rite-Aid Center, will take TV's, computers and other electronics.

    Our Planet Recycling of Escondido will take some large items - get more info at their website or by calling:


    The Association must hire someone to haul away unwanted junk left on our grounds, an added expense for an already tight budget. You will be charged for dumping large items! Please contact Elite Management if you see someone dumping items - your identity will be protected. Thank you for your cooperation.