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Browsing Archive: January, 2014

Trees Trimmed

Posted by VermontVillas on Thursday, January 23, 2014, In : Maintenance 
This week 15 large trees (11 Alder, 2 Jacaranda and 2 Melaleuca) in our complex were trimmed and thinned.  Other trees throughout the complex will be trimmed next month.

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Backflow Devices Installed

Posted by VermontVillas on Saturday, January 18, 2014, In : Improvements 
To fulfill a city requirement, backflow devices were installed at our water meters last week. Backflow occurs when water flows opposite to its normal or intended direction. This reverse flow of water may be caused by a sudden drop in water pressure and can result in contaminants being drawn into the water supply system. A backflow device prevents this. Thanks to all residents for your cooperation during the time water was shut off to your unit.

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